Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mom and Sis got the visa!

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

Barusan dapet telpon dr Mama..bilang kalo visanya lolos!
Bakal cair tanggal 31 Maret! hehehe....Mey ma Koko seneng banget!
Thanks banget Tuhanku ^_^

Besok pas tanggal itu, C Yau bakal ambil visanya di kedutaan!
Wah..wah...Tuhan emang baek banget!
Kayane ndak habis2nya bilang kalo Tuhan itu baek!

Tadi di gereja, Pastor share tentang "let's cross over"!
Mey sempet merasa sedih karena sampe sekarang belum dapet kabar tentang kerjaan....padahal Mey udah kirim banyak banget lamaran kerjaan...
Mey ndak meragukan Tuhan...tapi Mey mikirin itu terus.... but then....
God reminds me.."kalo emang Mey masih ada sedikit aja...secuil aja keraguan! I am not trusting God... so I have to 100% trust God! really it needs the whole 100%"
I believe now...again...and again.... that I would like to ask and ask and ask until I get it from God!
I would like to also trust Him in faith....that He is able to do any miraculous acts in my lives! God is good ^_^