Thursday, November 09, 2006

Snacking ;)

It has been years for me not to eat any snacks. This evening I had my snack time with "Lemonia Cookies" :p's yummy! I used to buy and eat the snacks with my one and only sister. It was years ago in our boarding house.
Now, I am having it with Daniel - my beloved hubby ;)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My puppy died

Yesterday night as Daniel drove to car in the garage, the puppy was somehow walking under the wheel. Accidently, "kelindes"!!!
I tried to take her into my embrace, but the bones were all broken. Her body turned into 2 parts :p

Hiks..hiks... We were so sad tonight! It was an accident right before we went to bad.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Boy! I miss Boston!

I don't know what trigger me to feel this way! But BOY! I miss Boston!
Suddenly I could feel my heart beat really fast thinking of Boston! ;)
It's kinda funny, huh! When I was in the United States, I also missed Salatiga - our memorable place - and everything in it.
I missed the food. Just mention it! "Bakmi Tek-tek, Pecel Madya, Mpek-mpek depan gereja Katholik St. Miki, etc." I missed the city as well as the people. Having my family close to me was a something special. It is still a something special to me now.

Now, it's fall there. I miss enjoying the falling leaves. I miss looking at different colors of leaves while waiting for my bus, walking to my campus or while I was on the bus.
It is cool there, but I miss walking hand-in-hand with my husband in the cold weather, to a Malay restaurant in Allston for a bowl of hot and sour soup - my hubby's fav.

I also miss playing around with the snow. I haven't had a chance to make my own snow angel (I wish I could do that!). I also missed seeing the snow falling down on my head, touching the wonderfully white snow, and walking outside in my red winter coat that I love best.
I hate the storm though. Koko still had to go to work though it was storming. I hate thinking about the fact that he had to walk for 10 minutes or so from the bus stop to his office in those stormy days.

It's kinda funny but I miss the Sunday School kids! I miss their smiles. I miss their hugs. They used to remind me of my nieces and my nephew.
Now, the only day I could meet my nieces is Sunday for an hour or so. It's hardly a case to meet my nephew - he is in Jakarta.
Seeing his face from the webcam has been a very reliefing experience.

Boy.... thinking about them makes me cry. Tears are falling from my eyes. An employee was passing by Koko's office and taking a peek of what I did - wiping my tears at the corners of my eyes.
OK! I'd better stop now ;)

Monday, November 06, 2006

A day of surprises!

Yes! I know you are raising your eyebrows reading my blog.
Yesterday the mouse trap got its victim! a flithy big black mouse!!!! Being trapped, the mouse pissed and snapped in the trap. It was so disgusting, I should say.
Zak told Daniel on skype and we weren't able to picture that 'till today we finally saw the dirty floor.

I couldn't stand with the flithy floor so I ended up cleaning the floor. I swept Daniel's office. Then, I got another surprise, a diet coke was "exploded" in the fridge. O boy! the fridge was so dirty that I finally took a few pieces of wet tissues and started to clean the fridge.
Whew.. it was so disgusting!

Thanks GOD! Finally at noon, the cleaning lady showed up. I asked her to start coming in to office everyday instead of once every two days. She agreed with a raise.
That's fine! We can still afford that!
I left for campus around 1 p.m. on "angkota" public transportation. As soon as I arrived on campus, I mailed the documents for import license. I then went to "Lippo Bank" to transfer payment. Unfortunately, I forgot the amount of money, I then called Daniel on his cell asking his favor to check the number.
Not only I transfered payment to INTEC, I also had a chance to change small amount of money from the bank. It is intended for tipping. Zak needs it eventually.

After that, I walked along the path to F my office... checking my empty box, then calling the computer lab to book for my "Writing 4" class that was a horrible thing last Friday.
Today I was feeling no burden. A test for "Reading 3" class, which means no preparation...but a waiting correction soon! hehehe :)
A student came late because he thought the class was on the green grass like last week. Poor him! At first I was thinking to give me extra time but he finally finished the test on time, so I put off my intention.

I went back to Daniel's office and there my lunch was waiting! was not really appropriate "lunch time" actually. It was 4.30 p.m. You tell it lunch?? hehehe...

Oh..I almost as I was in the angkota from campus, there was a patrol. The angkota's driver suddenly took a U-turn in the middle of the road avoiding the police officers. O boy! Everyone in the angkota was shocked!
The angkota violated the route and the traffic regulations! As a consequence, I had to walk at the back of "Taman Sari" Square. It was an OK walk though; not too far.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Writing 4 conference

This afternoon after my TFEC class, I hurried to go Daniel's office to get hooked to the internet connection to do my "Writing 4 conference class".
Some students are already online before the agreed time at 1.30 p.m.

Haven't had my lunch, I was kinda starving. I tried to eat but it didn't work out well. Some students kept bugging me with the questions of when to start the class, how to set the conference, why no one invite them, etc.
I was stressed out!!!

I thought my students knew how to do the conference, but my mistake! It was an absolute mistake!!! About half of the students are unfamiliar about it, not to mention, some other unpredictable "X" factors such as different version of yahoo, off lights, etc.

So I finally ended up to schedule another meeting with the students next week. Hopefully I can book the computer lab.