Thursday, November 22, 2007

What a sweet dinner

After work, Daniel got home, took a shower, and we rushed to Laras Asri for a special dinner in an event of our third wedding anniversary.
Both of us had a wonderful time. Before we started eating our dishes, Daniel held my hand and we prayed together. It was so sweet.

After all the heavy load at works, we rarely had a quality time together and so glad we finally had that chance ;)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Our wedding anniv...

Exactly today, November 21st, 2007 is our third wedding anniv.
Mom and Dad, my sista only sent out SMS(es) to us early in the morning. My uncle in Jakarta called at home to congratulate us but we left home already. I had a morning class to teach and Daniel drove me to campus and headed to office.

Two guys from the office chatted me and congratulated me too. They also asked whether I would be back helping at Forindo or not. Sadly, I had to say NO. I'd love to dedicate my everything to our baby (and babies??). It will be my privilege to be a full-time mom ;)

Talking about food... for dinner, Mom cooked special dishes for both of us: "Mie siram" with fried shrimps and eggs... Hmm...Yummy!

That's not the ending....
Late at night around 11 when I was sleeping, I was waken up by the sound of my SMS. It was from our beloved pastor in Boston, Pastor Zee, Buk-e (Kak Lita), and their two wonderful jewels: Cherissa and Kayla. It was so sweet that they remembered our wedding anniversary.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bosen oi

Hari ini bosen banget ndak ngapa2in.....
Bahan revisi PIBBI ketinggalan di kampus, jadi ndak isa ngapa2in juga nih :( trus sekarang lagi bingung mau ngapain yach?
Berhubung ndak ngapa2in badan malah jadi pegel-pegel.

Trus ni Mey lagi ntar kalo udah cuti hamil dari kampus, trus ndak ngapa2in piye no?? Udah bikin list mau ngapain setelah cuti, tapi paling isine yach jalan-jalan di pagi hari. La trus dari habis jalan-jalan pagi sampe malem ngapain yach???
Duh...bingung deh... Any thoughts???

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Test - Is this working?

For quite some times, I have been trying to open the blogger but I have never managed for even once but now. I am currently using Daniel's laptop and it works out!! simply because it is set up automatically.

Whew... next time I try to open this using my laptop and/or others, the question is then "Will that work out well too?"

Anyway, we'll see....