Sunday, February 19, 2006

CAREcell Espender

Yeah.. that's the name of our carecell.
It means to light up, to fire,and to brighten up.
We are meeting every Friday at 8 p.m. at our place.
So far, we have 8 members; they are Daniel & Meylia, Lukas, Angel, Lely, Ety, Dina. & Billy.

I am thinking of what to cook for this coming Friday.
Any idea, guys???
Vote for Indonesian/ Chinese/ American/ French cuisine????
Let me know, please!


Anonymous said...

French cuisine? hhm, kayak apa tuh? bukan pizza toh ya, pizza kan italian.

bon apetit! hehehhe

eh iyah minta alamat kantor'e kokomu buat dijemput, ambek jam piro.

thanks yaa

DK Digital photography said...

Angel, (hope you read this) hehehe

Yang pasti bukan pizza dong..kan itu Italy! hehehe...
Ko Dani kemarin usul lontong! walah...wong ndak punya steamer kok meh masak lontong! piye carane? :p

Anyway...yang pasti bakal makan besar deh dan bukan snack :)